Thursday, May 12, 2016

Grand Canyon, Clear Creek Trip Video

After putting together my trip report for Clear Creek, I also created a video of the trip. I spent some time figuring out how to use the video editing software and my video technique is still evolving but I hope you enjoy this.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Grand Canyon, Clear Creek

After hiking the Black Canyon Trail with Craig over the new year, the rest of the winter seems to have just slipped away without any backpacking. At least Jeremy planned a Grand Canyon hike I was able to join.

Five of us went on the trip: Jeremy and two of his friends, Ken and Conrad, Craig, and I.

The trip had a five day itinerary starting on April 28, 2016.
  • Day 1: Hike down Bright Angel trail and canyoneer down Garden Creek Falls. Craig, Jeremy, and Conrad were planning to do the canyoneering and Ken and I were going to continue hiking the trail.
  • Day 2: Hike from Bright Angel campground to Clear Creek campground.
  • Day 3: Day trip to Cheyava Falls.
  • Day 4: Hike from Clear Creek campground back to Bright Angel campground. Originally we wanted to packraft back, but the park service wouldn't allow it.
  • Day 5: Hike up the Bright Angel trail back to the south rim.

Day 1 - Bright Angel TH to Bright Angel CG

We left Phoenix early this morning to get to the Grand Canyon. We stopped in Flagstaff for breakfast at The Place, then continued the drive. After a quick stop at the backcountry office, we were able to park the car very close to the Bright Angel trailhead. While we were getting ready to start the hike, the storm hit and the snow flurries began.

Conrad, Ken, and Craig

It was about eleven and snowing fairly hard when we started down into the canyon. After we dropped below the rim, the wind died down and I pulled out my umbrella to help keep me dry. Many people commented on what a great idea it was to have it.

Most of the tread on my shoes is worn off and I was slipping all over the muddy trail. I was able to stay upright but there were several times where I nearly covered my butt with mud.

When we got to Indian Gardens, we went into the campground and stopped under a ramada for lunch. The rain finally stopped when we got going again and we soon put the rain gear away.

Maybe a mile below Indian gardens, we reached where Garden Creek drops into a slot canyon. Jeremy, Craig, and Conrad were planning on canyoneering down it, but with the rain and colder weather it was decided to stash the ropes and stuff at the drop off point and hope for a warm and nice weather day on our way out.

Stashing the Climbing Gear

Bright Angel Trail to Pipe Creek

As we approached where the trail first crosses Pipe Creek, there was a lady blocking our passage along the trail. A few ladies just had to pee and didn't realize there was a rest stop not much farther along the trail. Well we made our way by and then we stopped at the Pipe Creek rest house to sign the register and a few minutes later when the ladies came down the trail and saw the outhouse, everyone had a good laugh.

Conrad was having problems so we waited for him to catch up. He was okay, just moving slow so we continued on and he'd catch up to us at the campground. I got a bit behind the other three while taking pictures so when I reached the campground, I found the site they dropped their gear at, dropped mine, and continued to the Phantom Ranch canteen. I arrived thirty seconds before four so I just missed a beer but the others had arrived about five minutes earlier and were able to slam one down just before closing.

The Silver Bridge

We all headed back to the campsite and set things up. Ranger Della stopped by and checked our permit and we had a pretty lively conversation for quite some time. She commented about proper headlamp etiquette in the crowded campground - keep the light around your neck or low so as not to shine it in others' faces and other things like not hanging socks on the foliage, keeping food stored properly, etc. She also mentioned there were some ammo cans behind the ranger station we could stash food and stuff in that we wouldn't need while at Clear Creek.

A bit before eight, we headed to the canteen but we got stuck behind several people that left the ranger program. That made the wait for beer a bit difficult. Dang! Time flew by and before we knew it, it was ten and we were being kicked out. Back to camp for the night.

Day 2 - Bright Angel CG to Clear Creek CG

I woke up with a headache. What's with that? By the time we broke camp, stashed our garbage and the food for our return, and filled up with water at Phantom Ranch, it was about eight when we were on the trail. It was easy walking until the climbing started almost immediately after turning onto Clear Creek Trail. We waited at the first bench for Conrad before continuing up to another bench where there were actually benches to sit on. There was also a really great view of Phantom Ranch well below us. We continued up and there was a great view of South Kaibab and the black bridge, where a pack mule train was crossing. We continued up and finally made it onto the Tonto Plateau. The climb seemed longer than I remembered it but that seems to always be the case doesn't it?

Breaking Camp

Jeremy Looking Down

Pack Mule Train

We just cruised along today, stopping for a short rest break every now and again. We weren't in a hurry as our plan was just to get to Clear Creek campground. We eventually dropped off the plateau into the Clear Creek drainage. There was a group at the first campsites so we went a short distance farther and found a nice site to set up camp at. I think it was about half past noon.

Clear Creek Drainage

We had lunch and then we all ended up taking a nice long nap. Finally we set up camp but just chilled for the rest of the afternoon and enjoyed some spirits in the evening.

Jeremy and Craig Chilling

Day 3 - Clear Creek CG towards Cheyava Falls and Back

Sometime this morning it started raining. I was in no hurry to get up and just laid in the tent for awhile until I heard the others stirring. Finally I got up and it was still raining so we set up some tarps to hang out under during the rain. Sometime in the morning, I went back in the tent and napped.

Conrad, Ken, and Jeremy Avoiding the Rain

The rain started to lighten up during lunch and finally stopped so we decided to head upstream and check out the ruins by virtual geocache, Anasazi Ruins, then head towards Cheyava Falls. It was about half past one when we left and we arrived at the ruins around two. We spent at least a half hour exploring before we continued towards the falls. We weren't sure how far they were so we decided to head towards them for an hour and decide whether to continue or not then. By then, it was around three thirty and there was a lot of thunder and the rain was starting to come down hard. It appeared we still had a ways to go to reach the falls so we decided it was best to head back to camp. I already had my umbrella but I put on my rain skirt before we turned around; I didn't want my shorts to get wet.

Heading Towards Cheyava Falls

The rain continued pouring all the way back to camp and my feet got soaked from walking through all the grass. It was close to five when we reached camp. I put on some more layers but didn't have any dry footwear to change into.

Craig, Ken, and Jeremy Heading Back to Camp

We had dinner and finished the rest of the booze we had. That seemed better than carrying it back to Bright Angel campground. The rain continued most of the evening but lightened up, then stopped by the time we turned in for the night.

Day 4 - Clear Creek CG to Bright Angel CG

It rained a little bit during the night, but not much. We weren't in a hurry this morning and took our time breaking camp. About 8:00, a trail runner came into camp and asked where he was. He meant to go rim to rim to rim (R2R2R) but took the turn to Clear Creek instead of heading up the North Kaibab trail. Oops.

View from Camp

I think we got going around half past eight. After the steep climb up to the Tonto Plateau, we cruised along enjoying the morning. There were some newly opened flowers, but most had been pelted during yesterday's rain.

Camp Facilities

Jeremy the Thinker

We arrived at Phantom Ranch about 12:30 and stopped for a beer before heading to the campground and setting up camp and having lunch. We mostly lazed around in the afternoon but went to the river and looked around a bit too.

Ranger Della stopped by and we had a fun chat with her. I purposely wore my headlamp on my head but she never mentioned it. We found out she had to tase and arrest a belligerent drunk a few years ago at Indian Gardens. It turns out that Jeremy was there. No, he wasn't the belligerent drunk.

We went to listen to the Ranger program, mostly to be nearer to the canteen for it's 8:00 PM opening. Once eight rolled around, we left the program early and went to get beers. We played cribbage and some Cards Against Humanity and closed the place down before heading back to camp and calling it a night.

Day 5 - Bright Angel Campground to Bright Angel TH

We got up and broke camp. Conrad headed out a bit past seven. Shortly after Jeremy and Ken went to discuss some things with, and say goodbye to Ranger Della. Craig left camp and I headed out shortly after that and was on the trail around half past seven.

Around eight, I reached where Garden Creek meets Pipe Creek and Craig was there checking out the water temperature. The guys previously decided it wouldn't be a good time for canyoneering down Garden Creek, but they still wanted to check out the end and see what it was like. Craig and I dropped our packs and climbed up the creek as far as we were able. Some people that were in the canteen last night saw us and followed us up too. A bit later, Jeremy and Ken showed up. I think we hung out at Garden Creek for about an hour before we continued hiking out.

Craig Hiking Along Pipe Creek

We made it back up to where we stashed the climbing gear and retrieved it, then continued on to Indian Gardens where we had a snack and got some water for the rest of the hike up the canyon. When I reached the three mile rest stop, I had a quick snack and drink before continuing. I felt pretty good and was hoping to reach the 1.5 mile rest stop in forty minutes. I ended up reaching it in thirty-two. We took another break there and had some more food and drink before finishing the hike up to the rim. I made it out and to the car at quarter of one.

Ken and Craig

The day was cool but nice. It was sunny and quite the contrast to the snow flurries when we started. We had our celebratory beers and changed our clothes before heading back to Phoenix.