60.9 to 82.8 for 21.9 trail miles plus .4 miles into town to the hotel.
The bugs were gone when I got up this morning so I didn't have to deal with them when I broke camp. It took me close to an hour and a half to get going. I don't know where the time goes.
Last Night's Camp |
I found a geocache just up the trail from where I camped. I was looking on the GPSr to see where the next one was when another hiker approached. He was hoping to finish his TRT thru at Tahoe Meadows today.
After that I got to thinking that maybe, if I really hoofed it, I could make it to the Tahoe City post office before it closed at 4:30 and get my resupply. It seemed possible but difficult. I took the challenge. So much for an easy day and hiking into town tomorrow morning...
Today was actually a good day to make miles. The terrain wasn't that difficult and the trail mostly was in the forest so there wasn't many views to distract me. I tried to keep my pace up and keep my breaks short and few.
There was only two water sources today and they were only .8 miles apart. The first was a small stream that crossed the trail. I got water there because I figured it was better than lake water at the second. It was quicker too.
First Water |
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Watson Lake |
Just before I got water, a couple thru-hiking the TRT came by. They were packed light and were both wearing Luna Sandals. They were also hoping to finish up today at Tahoe Meadows. If they make it that would be a long day.
I was making good time but my left foot felt like a hot spot was developing so I stopped to shake out the sand and grit that fills shoes and socks on this dusty trail. The yellow jackets were all over. They are everywhere and there's no getting away from them. When I was done, I had to grab my pack and move with it to get them away before putting it on. It was the same throughout the day.
That slowed me down so it was going to be very tight making it to the post office on time. I was able to keep my pace up for several miles farther but I was fading and my foot was giving me concern again and a geocache was coming up so I decided to find the cache and shake out my shoes and socks again. I ended up having to change the batteries in my GPSr too. By then it was half past three and I had a bit more than three miles left. Game over. It was a fun attempt at any rate.
From there, I slowed my pace down and cruised into Tahoe City. I was tired, hungry, and finished my water as I entered Tahoe City.
I went to a hotel I had contacted on my way into town and checked in. Next I went to Rosie's, a restaurant recommended by the hotel receptionist. I had a bacon chile cheeseburger, fries, and a beer. They really hit the spot. After dinner I went back to my room and got cleaned up and hand washed my clothes in the sink. Then I just relaxed for the rest of the evening and called Barbara. What a day!
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