Thursday, August 11, 2016

Wonderland Trail, Day 6

Summerland to White River

July 27, 2016
7.0 miles.

After the long day yesterday, I slept in this morning and took my time getting out of camp. I walked around the place working on a geocache and took pictures. I'm glad I had time this morning as I was too tired to bother last night.

My Summerland Camp

My Pack on a Rock Near a Creek

Trail Towards Panhandle Gap


From Summerland, the trail descended steeply for a bit before easing up as it went towards the Frying Pan Creek trailhead. There were lots of day hikers on their way up to Summerland. The trail was wide and easy to make good time on. A bit before the trailhead, the Wonderland turns off to White River. There is a small ascent but the trail mostly contours around Goat Island Mt. The trail is nice and easy walking all the way to White River, but it is easy to hear the cars going to and from the White River campground.

Nice Wide Trail for all the Day Hikers

Not far before White River, I met up with Jeff and Mike who I met at the South Mowich River campground on my second day. We had a short but nice chat before we continued on our hikes.

The trail crossed the White River and then entered the campground and I was finished around 11:30. I was really excited and happy to have completed the Wonderland Trail. The first two days were mostly overcast and cool, but the last four days were blue skied and gorgeous.

White River Looking Upstream

White River Looking Downstream

I went back to my truck and changed clothes. I talked to a couple of men who just returned back from summiting Rainier, then I drove to Longmire, where I had a burger and a celebratory Wonderland IPA.

Wonderland Trail, Day 5

Paradise River to Summerland

July 26, 2016
20.6 miles

I'm beat, today the Wonderland Trail kicked my butt! I knew it was going to be long and hard. I even tried to change my permit to Indian Bar instead of Summerland but there was no room. At least tomorrow should be an easy glide to finish at White River.

The day started out up hill to Reflection Lake. It was foggy and some reflection though it looked pretty cool. Next was a steep descent to Maple Creek. On the way down I saw the couple from Florida, Colleen and Brent that I had met at Mystic Camp.

Reflection lake

Like a Garden Path, Just off Stevens Canyon Rd, East of Louise Lake

Martha Falls

From Maple Creek, it was a nice cruise to Nickel Creek. After Nickel Creek, there was a good climb up to the Cowlitz Divide. I grabbed about half a liter of water on the way up. Later on I wished I grabbed some more. I should have stopped at Nickel Creek but decided to finish the climb before resting. It was humid out and I was sweating a lot on the climb. By the time I finished it, I was soaking wet, even the tips of my collar were dripping.

Stevens Creek

Once on the divide, I took a break for a few at the Cowlitz Divide Trail junction with another man I had just met on the trail. His name is Ray and if I remember right, he is from Ohio. When we got up to hike again, there was an actual puddle of sweat on my pad. Wow!

The hike along the divide was much harder than I thought it would be and I was very tired and about out of water by the time it started to descend towards Indian Bar. I was starting to fantasize about calling it a day at Indian Bar. I knew that was where Ray was heading and I debated whether to hang out until he arrived and see if he'd mind if I camped with him. Finally there was a stream of snow melt and I was able to drink a bunch of water.

Looking Back Towards Mt. Adams

Looking Down to Indian Bar

Once at Indian Bar, I stopped for food and mixed some Gatorade. There's a virtual geocache at Indian Bar and part of it is to go up the hill to where the toilet is and get a picture. Let me just say the view of Mt. Rainier at the toilet is anything but crappy.

Crappy View?

After the food, water, and rest at Indian Bar, I was still tired but figured I'd just buck up and continue to Summerland. It was only about 4.5 miles anyway and I had plenty of light. I headed off at half past four with plenty of water after not having enough earlier.

Creek at Indian Bar

Above Indian Bar

The climb up to Panhandle Gap from Indian Bar was very grueling and I tried to keep things as easy and steady as I was able. The day had been warm but as I ascended into the snow fields it cooled off dramatically. First the snow fields were small but there ended up being several longer that I had to cross. Just past Panhandle Gap there was a very steep snowfield I had to go across and down. It seemed really sketchy and I stood there for a few minutes mustering the nerve to cross it. Thankfully the snow was soft and I managed without incident. From there, the trail descended down to Summerland, so the snow diminished. Near Summerland, there was one more large snowfield with a full creek flowing underneath. I went across that part of the snow as quickly as I was able.

The Climb Into Snow

Another View Back at Mt. Adams

The First Large Snow Field I Crossed

Last Snow Field to Summerland. Note the River Flowing in Center

Once at Summerland, I stopped at the creek to get water for the night before heading into the camp. I started the morning at 7:40 AM and made it to camp at 7:30. It was a long, tiring day.

While setting up camp, a black tail doe browsed herself right past. She didn't seem to mind me when I talked to her. After camp was set up, I decided to wash my calves off as they were very dirty from the day's hiking. I wished I thought about it when I was there on my way in.

Doe Visiting My Camp

I was tired and hungry from the long day, but I wasn't able to eat all of my dinner. I did eat most of it, but lost my appetite before I was done. After camp chores and dinner, I'm getting to bed late but I have a short day tomorrow, so I get to sleep in and not rush to get on the trail tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Wonderland Trail, Day 4

S. Puyallup River to Paradise River

July 25, 2016
15.8 miles

I camped at the South Puyallup River campground last night and my site was quite the hike to the toilet; many hundreds of yards. It was in a neat area though. The mountain walls were made of those hexagonal pillars all piled together.

I got on the trail at 7:40, my earliest this trip. My day started by climbing up from the river. Not long after starting, I caught up to two hikers. They got an early start from Klapatche Park and were finishing their Wonderland hike today at Longmire. This was their fifth day. Finally I met up with someone on a more aggressive schedule than mine.

South Puyallup River

At the top of the climb there was a marmot near the trail guarding its hole. I was able to get some pictures and when I got to close it gave a warning whistle and hid. There was another marmot too far off the trail to get a picture.

Tahoma Glacier Feeding S. Puyallup


Tahoma Glacier

The trail descended down to Tahoma Creek where there was a large suspension bridge across. It bobbed around quite a lot walking across. Three planks were missing too. I was not comfortable on it and was relieved once across.

Suspension Bridge Over Tahoma Creek

Ready, Get Set, Cross

As usual, there was a climb on the other side. This one headed up to Indian Henry's Hunting Grounds. Near the top there was a large rounded granite surface where I  stopped for a break. Today was another gorgeous day and the view of Tahoma Glacier and the peak were amazing. Not long after I stopped the bugs found me so I grabbed my pack and got back on the trail.

View From Granite

Henry's haunt is made up of meadows and lakes and streams. I stopped to get water but had to make it fast due to all the bugs.

Lake and Patrol Cabin in Henry's Hunting Grounds


I'd been leap fogging with those two hikers and when we reached Pyramid Creek (I think) we stopped and took a break together. They are Ryan from Chicago and Jimmy from Portland.

From there it was one last push to Longmire. When I reached Longmire I went directly to the Wilderness Center and got my resupply. Next I went to the restaurant at the National Park Inn. When I arrived, Ryan waved me over so the three of us had lunch together. The Wonderland IPA really hit the spot along with a bacon burger.

I still had to get to the Paradise River campground a bit less than four miles farther. I didn't know where to get back on the Wonderland Trail though, so I went back to the Wilderness Center to get directions.

After the burger and beer I was expecting a fairly easy stroll to Paradise River campground but I was wrong and trudged up the trail just wanting to be done. I finally made it well before five.

View Crossing the Nisqually River

Carter Falls

I was surprised with my early finish today. I took a really long time to set up camp and have been feeling tired. Hopefully a short day today with a good meal will have me ready for my longest day yet tomorrow.

There were several blow downs in the campground so the trail in is messed up. Also the only way in and out of the site I'm camped in is to go through another site. Fortunately nobody is camped there.

Wonderland Trail, Day 3

South Mowich River to South Puyallup River

July 24, 2016
17.8 miles

I was slow breaking camp this morning and didn't get on the trail until eight. I stopped and said goodbye to Jeff and Mike. I may see them on my last day. They gave me some good intel on crossing the South Puyallup River

Right before I reached the river crossing I saw two men that were in the middle of a no-sleep, two day hike of the Wonderland Trail. They started at Sunrise so had less than thirty miles to go.

I made it across the river without incident thanks to the information I had. Once across, there's a long climb up to Golden Lakes. The grade wasn't too steep but was long. There were several blow downs that were tricky to get past. On the way up, I met a ranger going down. We talked for a minute and he checked my permit.


I expected more streams on the way up but there wasn't any after half way and I ran out of water. Once on top it wasn't long before there was some in a meadow. When I dipped my bottle in, a frog jumped.

I stopped at the patrol cabin at Golden Lakes and ate lunch on the porch. It was nice to have a bench to sit on.

Lake Near Golden Lakes

Golden Lakes Patrol Cabin

The trail leveled out for awhile before descending to the North Puyallup River. The day was clear and the views of Mount Rainier were excellent.

I finally started to see other backpackers and I even caught up to and passed four going counterclockwise like I am.

I had an agility crisis. I went to rock hop across a stream and slipped on the very first rock. Both feet went in. That made the rest of the crossing easy. Once on the other side, there was a bridge to cross and on my first step I slipped and fell on my ass. Ugh.

I saw four snakes today. I know two were Garter snakes. All four probably were. I also saw a huge ant hill with those red and black ants. The lake at Klapatche Park had a ton of polliwogs too.

Polliwogs and Frog

The North Puyallup River crossing was nice. There was a bridge and the water just roared below and the view up to the mountain was the best. There was a lot of rock work done there, walls and such. I wonder if it was done by the CCC?

North Puyallup River

The climb from North Puyallup River to Klapatche Park was arduous. It was steep and grueling. I was happy to finally make it there; great views. Unfortunately that wasn't the end of the climb as it kept going up before finally dropping down to the South Puyallup River and the campground where I'm camped tonight.

Tomorrow I get to Longmire and pick up my resupply.

Climb from N Puyallup to Klapatche Park

Klapatche Park

Aurora Lake in Klapatche Park

St. Andrews Lake

South Puyallup River
